Family Support

Family Support is creating a non-judgmental place where families can find information, guidance, understanding and connections.

Family Support

The Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) supports families who have a family member with a disability by connecting them to trained volunteers referred to as “Resource Parents/Peers” (RPs) .

This provincial network supports families by sharing experiences, expertise, and guidance.

All RPs have a family member with a disability.

Get in Touch

Call 1-800-441-5403

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Our Family Support Model

What can families expect when they call FSI?

  • A warm welcome- FSI is not a closed door.
  • A listening, supportive and understanding ear
  • Non judgemental and confidential support
  • Shared lived experience
  • Ongoing support and guidance
  • Empathy, compassion and understanding

What can FSI volunteer Resource Parents/Peers do?

  • Connect by phone, email or in person
  • Guide families to community resources
  • Attend meetings; take notes; debrief
  • Mentor and coach
  • Listen and learn
  • Share successes and celebrate families

How to determine when to refer a family to FSI?

  • A family wants to connect with other families
  • A family needs support and encouragement from other parents
  • A family is struggling and feeling overwhelmed
  • A family is in need of advocacy support and guidance
  • A family is going through transitions
  • A family is looking for support moving through systems

Our Family Support Process

FSI receives a family support request.

Anyone can call for support. Professionals often call FSI to brainstorm ways to best support families in BC.

FSI staff will speak with the family and learn about their needs. 

FSI staff and the family will decide the best way to match with a Resource Parent/Peer (RP) based on age, region, diagnosis, experience and others.

FSI staff will make a referral to resources right away.
FSI staff will make a referral to a Resource Parent/Peer (RP).

FSI staff and RP’s can seek guidance from FSI’s Indigenous Practice Advisor at any time for additional support.

A Resource Parent/Peer (RP) calls a family.

Family will get a call within 48-72 hours. Resource Parents/Peer (RP) can share their experiences, guide to resources, mentor advocacy and much more.

Impact of Family Support


The peer-to-peer family support is powerful! Read about what our families have to say about FSI family support!

“Talking to another family member makes a huge difference in feeling less alone, feeling accepted and understood.”

“I will still email the FSI RPwho helped me through those transition years, particularly during high school years.”

“When I first contacted FSI many years ago, I was in crisis and it was so wonderful to talk to another parent who could give me real life advice.”

FSI and Advocacy

FSI mentors families to advocate for themselves. FSI WILL:

The Family Support Institute is a rights-based organization that supports the voices of families and people with lived experience of disability. We will highlight issues of significance and concern through surveys, reports and presentations in order to elevate the voices of families and people with disabilities. We do this with 3 main priorities in mind:

  1. to affect policy change
  2. to improve services and supports for those who need it
  3. to raise awareness in community

Top Issues that FSI hears from families:

Family Support Institute of BC Rights of Persons Served

The Family Support Institute of BC protects and promotes the rights of the individuals and families we serve (“clients”). This policy applies to all programs and services providing services to clients.

Family Support Institute of BC (“FSI”) recognizes the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals accessing its services and complies with all applicable governmental laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the BC Human Rights Act, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Our Commitment to Individuals and Families:

The Family Support Institute of BC is committed to the principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We believe that you have the right to receive support in a culturally safe and trauma informed manner.

FSI will actively consider the diverse needs of the people we serve and tailor our services to be accessible and culturally responsive. As you engage with our services, we invite you to identify any aspect of yourself or your situation that you would like us to know, so that we may provide the best possible support. This may include, but is not limited to: Culture, age, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, race, language and religion/spirituality. You have the right to be free from discrimination for any reason.

FSI implements the following policies to uphold and promote the rights of persons served:

Confidentiality of Information
FSI ensures that all information pertaining to persons served is kept confidential and is disclosed only with the explicit consent of the individual or as required by law.

FSI respects the privacy of persons served and takes measures to safeguard their personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Freedom from Abuse, Exploitation, and Neglect
FSI is committed to providing an environment free from abuse, financial or other exploitation, retaliation, humiliation, and neglect. Any such incidents will be promptly addressed and resolved.

Access to Information
Persons served have the right to access information relevant to their care and decision-making process. FSI ensures that individuals receive necessary information in a timely manner, including access to their own records.

Informed Consent
FSI respects the autonomy of persons served by obtaining informed consent or refusal for service delivery, release of information, concurrent services, composition of service delivery teams, and involvement in research projects, where applicable.

Access to Advocacy Services
Persons served have the right to access self-help support services, and advocacy support services. FSI facilitates access to such resources as needed.

Research Ethics
When persons served are involved in research projects, FSI adheres to established guidelines
and ethics to ensure their rights and well-being are protected.

Investigation and Resolution of Alleged Infringement of Rights
FSI has procedures in place to thoroughly investigate and resolve any alleged infringements of rights in a fair and timely manner.

Communication of Rights
Rights of persons served are clearly communicated to individuals prior to the initiation of service delivery and at least annually thereafter for long-term program participants.

Complaint Procedures
The Family Support Institute recognizes that there may be occasions when concerns or grievances arise regarding our services, and we value the opportunity to address these issues promptly and effectively. Complaints may be made via an online form: FSI complaint form; via
email to: or via phone to our Office Manager: (604) 540-8374.

Documentation and Analysis
FSI documents all formal complaints received and conducts an annual analysis to identify trends, areas needing improvement, and actions taken to address them. The effectiveness of these actions is evaluated to ensure continuous improvement.

Concerns and Complaints

Do you have a complaint or concern around the services you have received from FSI? You may submit a complaint to us.