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Toolkit Resources

Financial Resource Guide for Youth with Disabilities in British Columbia

Transitioning to Adulthood

Explore some key funding options and resources available for youth with disabilities transitioning to adulthood.

Transitioning into adulthood can be both exciting and challenging for youth with disabilities. It marks a significant milestone where individuals begin to navigate various aspects of adult life, including financial independence, healthcare, and social support. This resource guide aims to provide valuable resources and information to support youth with disabilities in their transition journey in British Columbia.

Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) Resources

RC4064 Disability-Related Information – 2023

Comprehensive information on disability-related tax credits and benefits for individuals with disabilities and their families.

T2201 Disability Tax Credit Certificate

Application form for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), a non-refundable tax credit that aids individuals with disabilities or their supporting persons in reducing income tax.

RC4065 Medical Expenses – 2023

Outlines eligible medical expenses that individuals can claim on their tax returns, offering financial assistance for medical-related expenditures.

Eligible Medical Expenses for Tax Returns

Detailed list of eligible medical expenses claimable on tax returns, providing financial relief for necessary medical costs.

Contact Information
For individual inquiries and to order forms:

For benefits inquiries (CCB/GSTC):

Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) Resources

CLBC – Eligibility

Information regarding eligibility criteria for services provided by Community Living British Columbia (CLBC), supporting individuals with developmental disabilities.

Personal Supports Initiative (PSI) Brochure

Overview of the Personal Supports Initiative (PSI) offered by CLBC, providing personalized support services for individuals with disabilities.

Added Care Funding

Overview of the Added Care Funding, which supports adults with developmental disabilities who have ‘high intensity’ care needs.

Ministry of Social Development
and Poverty Reduction

PWD – My Self-Serve

Information on accessing disability assistance through the Province of British Columbia, including online application processes.

The Registered Disability Savings Plan

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a long-term savings plan available throughout Canada, designed specifically for people with disabilities. When you open a plan, you may also get grants and bonds from the Government of Canada to help with your long-term savings.

RDSP Plan Institute

This website provides families and professionals across Canada with the most accurate and up-to-date information available on the RDSP. All of the services are free and are intended to help people become informed and to support future planning initiatives.

Government of Canada webpage “Registered Disability Savings Plan”

Comprehensive information on the RDSP, including details on how much you could receive in matching grants and bonds, as well as who can open a plan and apply.

Disability Alliance BC

Disability Alliance BC offers a range of one-to-one services to people with disabilities, including assistance with all requirements related to the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). This includes help with Disability Tax Credit (DTC) applications and appeals.

Indigenous Supports

BCANDS Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Program Overview

The British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS) offers adjudication services for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) applications specifically for individuals and their families living in British Columbia’s First Nation communities.

IDC/BCANDS Indigenous Registered Disability Savings Plan Navigation Services

BCANDS also helps Indigenous individuals and families living with disabilities to set up a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). Their RDSP Navigators assist with meeting the requirements to enroll in the RDSP and provide support when working with financial institutions after the RDSP is opened.

Indigenous Services Canada

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) collaborates with partners to enhance access to high-quality services for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. Comprehensive information on various topics, including funding programs, is available here.

Ministry of Youth of the Métis Nation Government in British Columbia

The Ministry of Youth offers a range of culturally relevant life skill programs and events for Métis Youth, aiming to revitalize and foster connection to Métis culture and community.

Jordan’s Principle Enhanced Service Coordination Hub for BC

Comprehensive details about Jordan’s Principle, including the types of funding provided and how to submit a Jordan’s Principle request. You can also find the Service Coordinators in your area and the Hub Team, who can assist with the requests.

By Family Support Institute of BC

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