Exclusion Tracker
This initiative tracks the exclusions of students with a disability from their educational experiences in K-12. K-12 students attending BC schools and their parents and guardians are welcome to report an exclusion.
The Family Support Institute of BC is proud to partner with BC Ed Access in managing and reporting on the Exclusion Tracker, initiated in 2018.
This initiative amplifies advocacy efforts and drive meaningful systems change in response to the exclusion of children with disabilities in BC schools.
The Exclusion Tracker aims to empower families across BC, bring attention to systemic challenges, and foster inclusive education for all.
What to Expect
During the survey, you define what the exclusion means:
- Gradual entry (if it is different from any gradual entry for the whole class)
- Being asked to stay home/go home (this is technically a suspension and should be documented by the school in writing)
- Being asked to leave early/arrive late/shortened school days
- Being excluded from a field trip or other activity
- Not learning with the rest of the class
- Secluded and/or restrained
- Not able to attend because of health/personal care support needs that the school is unable to meet and more
This survey also takes you through the path back to inclusion – steps you can take to advocate for better inclusion.
The survey also offers the opportunity for student feedback – a place for your child/youth to provide their feedback in a section just for them.
Report an Exclusion
Use the FULL SURVEY to report the FIRST incidence of exclusion.
Use the REPEAT SURVEY to report any ADDITIONAL exclusions.
2023-24 Report
Coming soon!
2022-23 Report
2021-22 Report
Exclusion Tracker Report 2021-22
This report is a comprehensive consolidation of 4 years of tracker data, and shows BC children and youth with disabilities missed thousands of days of school, were left without support or instruction, were left out of field trips, clubs and events, were secluded and restrained, and numbers haven’t improved over 4 years of collecting and sharing data.
Since September 4, 2018 BCEdAccess has been collecting data on the exclusion of students with disabilities from schools in BC.
BCEdAccess is run by and for families of students with disabilities and those who are complex learners. Exclusion has always been the number one topic in our private parent/guardian forum. Many of us were told that our circumstances were rare or unusual, and if we could just be patient it would be resolved – but how could that be, when so many of us were talking about it daily? In 2018, this led to the creation of our Exclusion Tracker, to provide a place for parents/guardians to create “incident reports” regarding the exclusion of disabled &/or complex-learner children and youth.
2020-21 Interim Reports
- https://equitableaccesstoeducation.wordpress.com/2021/02/26/discrimination-by-the-numbers-a-bcedaccess-exclusion-tracker-report/
- https://equitableaccesstoeducation.wordpress.com/2020/11/24/exclusion-tracker-oct-nov-2020-update/
- https://equitableaccesstoeducation.wordpress.com/2020/10/05/exclusion-tracker-2020-21-preliminary-report-september/