About Us

The Family Support Institute is a volunteer-powered network across BC that provides peer-to-peer support, information, events and training and community.

About FSI

The Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) is a provincial not for profit society committed to supporting families who have a family member with a disability. 

FSI is unique in Canada and the only grass roots family-to-family organization with a broad volunteer base. 

FSI’s supports and services are FREE to any family.

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Mission & Vision


All individuals and families are supported, connected and fully valued in their communities.


To strengthen, connect and build communities and resources with families of people with disabilities in BC


The Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) honours that FSI grew out of an era that did not value the pivotal role of families. Therefore, FSI believes:

  • Families are the best voice to speak for their unique circumstances
  • Informed, involved, and confident families are the most effective agents for creating social change
  • Informed families are more empowered to speak for themselves when needed
  • Families are the best resource to support one another
  • Families have a critical role in shaping the future for their family members

Guiding Principles

*All guiding principles will be led by our Vision, Mission and Beliefs as an organization in all we do

  • Keep the organization’s vision, mission and beliefs at the heart of all we do.
  • Support, mentor, and build capacity in families.
  • Promote inclusion for people with disabilities and their families in all aspects of our work.
  • Promote equal rights and equitable opportunities for people with disabilities and their families in all aspects of our work.
  • Support families to advocate for and promote quality supports and services for people. with disabilities and their families and respect choice and diversity in all areas of life.
  • Celebrate and support team members for exemplary teamwork and collaboration.
  • Share knowledge and best practice in family support, advocacy, stakeholder relations, and projects always.
  • Build relationships with community partners who align themselves with the organization.
  • Advocate for the social change.
  • Participate and contribute in community and with families.
  • Value diversity in backgrounds, experience and perspectives.
  • Be inclusive – inviting and accepting of differences in one another.



In 1985, the members of a family support committee of Inclusion BC discussed ways to better support families.Our founding members were facing the challenges of institutions, navigating segregated education systems, and making an inclusive and valued place for them in society. At the time, families were not recognized as vital voices in decision making for their loved ones. They wanted better lives for their children and knew there were hundreds of other families like them across the province who wanted the same. It became clear that there was a need for an organization to bring these families together to provide this family support. In the fall of 1986, with funds from the St. Christopher’s Foundation, the Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) was established.

The first of its kind in Canada, FSI became a separate non-profit agency. The mandate of the Family Support Institute of BC is to strengthen families who had a son or daughter with any disability. FSI began with 6 volunteer Resource parents and have now grown to over 260.


Bonnie's Story

Our Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

Strategic Priorities & Plan 2023-2028

Increase awareness of FSI throughout the province so families find us when they need us.

Strengthen our programs, particularly in Northern, rural, and remote communities.

Strengthen FSI’s organizational capacity to be healthy and sustainable to better serve families.

Raise the voices of families and people with disabilities to affect systemic change in BC.

Embed and embrace Equity, Decolonization and Inclusion in all aspects for the organization.