External Events

External Events:  Events hosted by community partners from within BC. (FSIBC is not responsible for the content, management or facilitation of these sessions. All inquiries and comments are referred directly to event organizers.)

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Back To Normal After Covid – What Does this Mean in the Context of Disability

November 17, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm PST

Virtual Event Virtual Event

14th Annual Stephan M. Salzberg Memorial Lecture

To Join: https://zoom.us/ and click on Join a Meeting
Audio Only: 1-833-955-1088
Meeting ID: 633 1662 7009
Password: 143113

Angela Clancy, Executive Director of Family Support Institute of BC FSIBC supports families from all over the province who have family members with disabilities and other concurrent conditions. We provide this support through our staff team and a large provincial volunteer network of families who connect with, share experiences, guide, advocate, and coach families in BC. The pandemic has brought to light issues that have gone un-attended for decades. It has also exacerbated issues that families were coping with, need sup-port for, and yet had none. This session will highlight those issues that we are supporting and advocating provincially at FSI.

Kathryn Underwood, Professor in school of Early Childhood Studies at X-University.
Drawing on Findings from the Inclusive Early Childhood Service System (IECSS) project, and Critical Disability Theory, this presentation will examine how the pandemic has illuminated ex-isting structural barriers to participation, and ethical considerations for care relationships with disabled children. The work of families on behalf of their children, and in service of early child-hood education and care systems will be examined, with specific reference to children whose custodial relationships are unclear, changing or unstable.

Cynthia Vallance, Patient and Family Engagement Advisor, Sunnyhill Health Ctr.
Without doubt, the pandemic has created incredible challenges within our healthcare system, and for parents and caregivers of children with complex health care needs, at times this impact is felt most intensely. However, all is not lost! Through adversity comes creative solutions, less red tape and unique opportunities that may actually make things a little better for patients and families. Learn more about recent changes that affect the care we receive and that my not have happened without the pandemic.


Hosted & Sponsored by the Sunny Hill & the PHSA Ethics Service


November 17, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm PST
Event Category: