Our event page provides opportunities for families to connect and experience new activities in a stress-free, accepting space. Check out our special events below for more information and dates. This calendar is updated regularly, so please check back often. Please get in touch if you have an event to share with us.
What Lower Mainland Hikes and Adventures is all about:
We connect together as a group of people who want to hike and build a greater appreciation of the outdoors. We recognize that life comes at different speeds for all of us, and sharing the challenge of hiking, kayaking, or choosing your own adventure, brings us together as a group. Now that we are physically distancing and limiting our social circles, you can tune in online. We have had community members share their knowledge about the outdoors, and folks that are working with a Community Connector try out roles like co-host, camera person, or welcomer.
This group has been inspired by folks who have a range of diverse-abilities. With accessibility at the forefront of our minds, we began organizing hikes and adventures that are interesting and available to all different types of people. Now during the pandemic, we haven’t been doing hikes with large groups, and have pivoted to sharing our hikes and adventures online to reach a wider range of folks. You can see some of the pictures of previous adventures on LMHA meetup.com and our LMHA facebook group. If you have joined us on here before, and have an interest in sharing an outdoor adventure with us, please contact to find out more!
For this event, you’ll need a phone, tablet or laptop and the zoom app.