The Family Support Institute is a volunteer-powered network across BC that provides peer-to-peer support, information, events and training and community.
Privacy Statement: Date goes here!
Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) respects and upholds an individual’s right to privacy and to protection of their personal information. FSI is committed to ensuring compliance with applicable employee privacy legislation. BC Personal Information Protection Act
Before you consider setting up an account on the FSI’s Website, we need you to read this statement and consider our privacy practices:
If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Statement, you should immediately stop using Once you create an account, you are consenting to the collection and use of your personal information as set out above, until you close your account, or withdraw your consent by contacting our Privacy Officer at: .
227 6th Street
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3A5
(604) 540-8374 ext. 523
Support Line:
As a provincial organization FSI acknowledges that our work spans across all of the traditional, ancestral, and unceded Indigenous territories in BC. Therefore, we respectfully honour all First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, as well as their ancestors, who have lived here and cared for these lands. It is with gratitude that we can live, learn and do our work in the province now known as British Columbia.