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Want to connect with other parents and caregivers like you? They’re out there! Through the BC Family Support Institute, you can connect to a peer-support program that connects you to parents living a similar narrative as yours. Join us to learn about the Family Support Institute of BC, our model of support and all the wonderful tools and resources we have put together for families over the years. This is also an opportunity to meet your local volunteer Resource Parents. These zooms are open to families and professionals who wish to learn about FSI.
To REGISTER for this session click here:
Family Support Institute of BC (FSI) is a provincial not-for-profit society committed to supporting families who have a family member with a disability.
FSI is unique in Canada and the only grass roots family to family organization that has a broad volunteer base.
You are invited to join FSI CONTINUING CONVERSATIONS, a private Facebook Group intended to continue conversations of support or provide an alternative platform for support. www.facebook.com/groups/fsicontinuingconversations/
All FSI Zoom sessions can be accessed by telephone only if access to computers and/or internet is a barrier. If you need assistance registering for any session, please call our office at 1-800-441-5403.