Show your support for FSI’s values and beliefs. Become a member or a volunteer Resource Parent/Peer (RP) today!
Would you like to support other families faced with similar circumstances to you and your family? Are you looking to mentor others on their journey? Are you interested in finding ways to celebrate diversity with other families? Become a Resource Parent/Peer.
As an FSI volunteer Resource Parent/Peer (RP), you have formally agreed to join a network where you will be called upon to offer 1-1 support to families across the province.
FSI membership demonstrates support of FSI’s work.
Members are invited to an AGM and, if eligible, enjoy voting rights.
The people who are eligible to vote at the FSI AGM are family members to persons with a disability.
Correct. Becoming an RP is separate from becoming an FSI member. However, we do encourage all RPs to become members and have their voices heard!
No, there is no requirement to be a member in order to volunteer. These two things are not related.
For families and individuals:
1 year = $25; 2 year $45; 3 year $60; 4 year $75; 5 year $90
For non-profits and government agencies:
1 year = $60; 2 year $110; 3 year $150; 4 year $180; 5 year $200
For corporations and businesses:
1 year = $100; 2 year $190; 3 year $270; 4 year $340; 5 year $400
When you donate to FSI you are helping us to support families all over BC.
Your donation goes towards strengthening our volunteer network with training, networking opportunities and assisting our peer mentors to be equipped to take complex calls.
Your funds can be directed towards advocacy, family support, peer networking, workshop development and mentorship. Your contribution can also help to ensure that our database is current, and that our computers have up to date software to we can keep all our records safe, secure and confidential.
FSI makes every effort for our work to be sustainable over time so your financial contribution will be long lasting and go towards many families who are in need of supports.
Every donation counts and your help is very much appreciated! When you donate we can offer you a tax receipt right into your inbox!
Thank you for considering a donation to FSI today.
CanadaHelps will send you a tax receipt as soon as your donation is processed. Your donation goes straight to FSI.
Donate a Car Canada accepts vehicle donations for FSI. Working or not, old or new, donate your vehicle to this program and FSI will benefit.
For offline methods such as cash or cheque, please complete this form and mail it to the FSI office.
Have you ever wondered about the future and what it might bring to families with family members with a disability? You can make a difference by designating the Family Support Institute of BC Society as your charity of choice when considering leaving a gift through your will or any other gift planning instrument (like the Leave a Legacy program). Through our volunteer network FSI has supported tens of thousands of families over the past 30+ years – building a better quality of life for families in communities throughout BC.
Every day families with family members with a disability are supported by the FSI office or through our volunteer Resource Parent/Peer network, ensuring that families receive the support they deserve and need.
Financial assistance is essential to support and sustain the charitable work of FSI. Many people generously give their money, time and energy to FSI and are unaware that by leaving a gift in their will or estate plan, they can continue to help families in need.
Choosing to leave a gift from the heart brings meaning, dignity and purpose to a life well lived. This is your opportunity to participate in the charitable and community work most meaningful to you, in a way that allows important causes like FSI to be well supported now and long after you are gone.
Many of us require some kind of assistance - physical, financial or spiritual. Maybe you were given a scholarship that made the dream of post-secondary education possible or experienced compassionate support during a crisis. Your gift can contribution to the future sustainability of FSI.
Thank you for your interest! There are no employment opportunities at this time.
Title: Regional Network Coordinator – NORTHERN BC
Classification: Part Time – 20 hours/wk
Wage: $26.50/hr
Reports to: Designated Team Lead
Environment: Remote
The Family Support Institute of British Columbia relies on a network of over 200 volunteers across the province who provide free peer support to people with disabilities and their families. FSI volunteers provide comfort, guidance, and resources to help families navigate situations and systems for their loved ones. FSI’s capacity to support families is a reflection of the strength of this network. We are looking for candidates who align with our mission and thrive in relationship-focused work.
The Regional Network Coordinator’s responsibility will be to engage, recruit, and onboard volunteer Resource Parents within designated regions in BC. RNCs are also required to develop and maintain relationships with community partners in their regions, informing them of the services and supports that FSI offers. The scope of the role will have a specific focus on children, particularly as it relates to an initiative called the Ministry of Children and Family Development Early Years Service Framework.
The Regional Network Coordinator will work collaboratively with the Provincial Engagement Lead as a part of the volunteer Resource Parent onboarding team. Additionally, RNCs will support the Provincial Engagement Lead for the planning and staffing of events, fairs, and display tables and collaborate with their Provincial Team Lead to coordinate and facilitate online learning and support sessions.
RP Network (Volunteers)
External Relations
Education, Training and Experience
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
It is preferred that the candidate be a parent, guardian, or family member of an individual with a disability.
This position of a Regional Network Coordinator is a flexible part-time position, and the Employee’s usual hours will be 20 hours per week. The FSI Benefits package is available for RNCs if desired. This is a remote position; the incumbent should have a dedicated remote office space with reliable Wifi service. Much of the work of an RNC is done via online meeting software, email, and phone, as well as in-person meetings in your local area as required. Travel within the designated region for in-person community connections and RP Training may be approved by Team Leads and the Director of Programs as determined by program needs.
This position description outlines the key responsibilities for the role and is not meant to be exhaustive. The activities, responsibilities, and obligations of this position may be modified from time to time to effectively meet the requirements of the Family Support Institute of BC.
The Family Support Institute of British Columbia is strongly committed to cultural safety, equity, diversity, anti-racism, and to being a welcoming and inclusive workplace. We encourage individuals from all backgrounds to apply and join us in our mission to create a more inclusive and empowering future for all. We welcome applicants from anywhere in British Columbia.
As a provincial organization, FSI acknowledges that our work spans across all of the traditional, ancestral, and unceded Indigenous territories in BC. Therefore, we respectfully honour all First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people, as well as their ancestors, who have lived here and cared for these lands. It is with gratitude that we can live, learn, and do our work in the province now known as British Columbia.
To apply, please send your cover letter and resume to:
Robyn Kendurkar, Team Lead
PLEASE NOTE that some sponsors and funders targeted their support towards a specific project or work.
227 6th Street
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3A5
(604) 540-8374 ext. 523
Support Line:
As a provincial organization FSI acknowledges that our work spans across all of the traditional, ancestral, and unceded Indigenous territories in BC. Therefore, we respectfully honour all First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, as well as their ancestors, who have lived here and cared for these lands. It is with gratitude that we can live, learn and do our work in the province now known as British Columbia.
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