To access this webpage you must be signed in as a Regional Network Coordinator. Scroll down to find Resources, forms and and the manuals.
To access this webpage you must be signed in as a Regional Network Coordinator. Scroll down to find Resources, forms and and the manuals.
Please find below documents and resources you will need in Regional Network Coordinator role.
Monthly RNC video call meetings: (To join the video call, click on the link that will be shared via email on the day of the meeting.)
Monthly Reporting: |
RNC Processes/ Internal Information: RNC-stat-holiday-clarification RNC Compensation for Time in Trainings Approaches in Indigenous Engagement R.Alden Process for ordering resources |
Stock email/letters: |
Welcome Package resources for Print: WelcometoHolland and Celebrating Holland |
Power Point presentations: |
Admin Docs: |
New Resource Parent Forms: Sharing about FSI and the RP/RFM role:
Welcoming family to the RP/RFM role: |
For suggestions on how to improve this section, please contact Franceska at .
227 6th Street
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3A5
(604) 540-8374 ext. 523
Support Line:
Did you have a great experience with FSI? Please let us know!
As a provincial organization FSI acknowledges that our work spans across all of the traditional, ancestral, and unceded Indigenous territories in BC. Therefore, we respectfully honour all First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, as well as their ancestors, who have lived here and cared for these lands. It is with gratitude that we can live, learn and do our work in the province now known as British Columbia.
©2023 Family Support Institute | Privacy Policy | Registered Charity Number: 105629497RR0001. We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia.